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At Rotherham Hospice


Rotherham Hospice is supported by around 350 volunteers who commit time and energy to the services the Hospice provides.

It’s no exaggeration to say that Rotherham Hospice would not be able to run without our volunteers!

We have an amazing mix of volunteers from 18 to 90 years old; from those who come for a few months to learn new skills, to volunteers who have been with us for 25 years. This diversity is something we really value as each person brings something different to their roles.

Volunteering is often seen as “selflessly helping those in need”, which can put people off who think they are perhaps not saintly enough. In reality, voluntary roles at Rotherham Hospice are well-defined roles which mutually benefit the volunteer and the Hospice. 

Our volunteers do such a great job because they love what they do and gets as much out of it as they put in!

Volunteers and Staff at Wickersley Shop
Rotherham Hospice Care Day Hospice Community Therapy Health and Wellbeing Healthcare Counselling Bereavement Support Phone South Yorkshire Lottery Shop

Current opportunities

Find out if we have the perfect role for you right now!

Learn more about the different kinds of volunteering opportunities available here:

If you’re interested in volunteering, please call us on 01709 308 900 or email to find out more.

What it's like to volunteer at Rotherham Hospice

I find it very humbling.
Rotherham Hospice volunteer
I love my role in the day unit, meeting and talking to people.
Rotherham Hospice volunteer
It keeps me in a purposeful and 'working' role.
Rotherham Hospice volunteer
I love to come to the hospice - it makes me feel useful.
Rotherham Hospice volunteer
Having the privilege of working and meeting with wonderful and fantastic people.
Rotherham Hospice volunteer
I enjoy volunteering very much - sense of fulfilment and achievement. I enjoy working with staff, volunteers but most of all the patients.
Rotherham Hospice volunteer
Gaining vital retail experience and witnessing first-hand the growth of a fantastic organisation.
Rotherham Hospice volunteer
I really enjoy helping out, makes me feel good about myself.
Rotherham Hospice volunteer
I have grown in confidence so much since I became a volunteer.
Rotherham Hospice volunteer
I love being here and helping people.
Rotherham Hospice volunteer

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