Our Governance
At Rotherham Hospice
Dedicated to caring
Our services are registered and regulated by the Care Quality Commission (CQC Information).
As part of Rotherham Hospice’s continued commitment to improvement and transparency, we are proud to share with you the full report from our recent CQC visit.
Below you will find a summary of the key points of the report, as well as the full report attached. The report acknowledges big improvements since the previous CQC visit; highlights good practices across the Hospice; recognises our commitment to putting the patient and their families first; praises a “dedicated and responsive staff and volunteer team”; as well as providing areas for us to focus on improving in the future, that we have already begun to address.
Our latest CQC report was published in June 2019. You can read the whole document on the link below:
It’s important that our partners can see our accounts to see where their contributions are being used. Please view our financial accounts by using the button below.
Click the red button to view Rotherham Hospice’s accounts:
Every year Rotherham Hospice releases its ‘Quality Account’ to highlight performance across a number of areas.
Download and view our 2022/23 Quality Account by clicking the red button below.
In 2023/2024 we will be introducing a new Annual Report & Accounts format of reporting. This format will align with our new strategic trajectory, currently being set by our patients and stakeholders based on data from our recent survey.
How can you help?
There are many ways you can support us, whether it be through holding an event, playing in our lottery, volunteering, or donating!