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Admissions and referrals

To Rotherham Hospice

Admission and referral criteria

Patients with active, progressive and advanced terminal disease are eligible for hospice services. This includes patients with both malignant disease and non-malignant diseases for example, cancer, heart disease, lung disease and neurological diseases. Hospice services include Day Hospice, Hospice Community Team and our Inpatient Unit.

For patients in hospital referral is via the Specialist Palliative Care Team based at the hospital which comprises of Consultants and Specialist Nurses who work regularly with patients who may need hospice care.

It is possible for potential patients, families and carers to request a prospective visit to the Hospice after being seen by a member of the hospital or community palliative care teams. To arrange a visit please speak with the nurse in charge.

In order to be committed to the dignity and comfort of our patients approaching their last weeks of life, Rotherham Hospice offers a Hospice at Home service that helps patients to be cared for, and to die, in a place where they feel comfortable – in their own homes or in a care home (see below for eligibility criteria).

Hospice at Home is a 24-hour, 7-day per week service which is accessible to any patient living or registered with a GP within the Rotherham Borough.

Rotherham Hospice Care Day Hospice Community Therapy Health and Wellbeing Healthcare Counselling Bereavement Support Phone South Yorkshire What we do
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Admissions and referrals to our hospice at home service

Referrals to Hospice at Home will be accepted if the referral has been:

Who can refer?

Rotherham Hospice Care Day Hospice Community Therapy Health and Wellbeing Healthcare Counselling Bereavement Support Inpatient 3 Clinical Nurse Specialists
Rotherham Hospice Care Day Hospice Community Therapy Health and Wellbeing Healthcare Counselling Bereavement Support Phone South Yorkshire Admissions & Referrals Legacies and Wills Grief Awareness Week 2020
Rotherham Hospice Care Day Hospice Community Therapy Health and Wellbeing Healthcare Counselling Bereavement Support Phone South Yorkshire 3 Multi-disciplinary team

Eligibility criteria

Referral to the community team will be considered for patients with:

How can you help?

There are many ways you can support us, whether it be through holding an event, playing in our lottery, volunteering, or donating!

fundraising for Rotherham Hospice